venerdì 24 aprile 2015


Guys, after so much time i have decided to close down this blog and direct all my inputs on the forums at this link:

At that link you can also find a few experimental APK for Android of Track@Way 3.0 with QML.

mercoledì 11 marzo 2015

GPS is back! Qt 5.4.1 rules!

NOTE: i will not be updating this blg, i have created a section on the official forums at this link:

Please go to the link and check there. There are a couple of builds for Track@Way 3.0 (very very preliminary) to download for Android too, on the link.


it seems that Qt 5.4.1 finally brought back GPS support for Android (and other platforms too), this means we can be back in game with Track@Way (of course, provided i have free time to work on it!)

So i have upgraded to Qt 5.4.1 and started experimenting again. This time i am serious on QML, so you can expect something barely minimal soon, i hope!

Keep you posted.

giovedì 29 maggio 2014

Track@Way 2.1.5 released!

Yes it's been an awful long time.
Two things happened:

1. not enough free time on my hands
2. A 2.1.4 release has been released, but ony to Supporters

Anyway, here is 2.1.5, with great news:

- Support for "map zoom", where you can enlarge the map (not increase the maximum zoom level, but making it more readable)
- Added Russian help translation and a few typos fix
- Some minor bugfixes

As usual, all the downlaods will be available soon on

venerdì 20 settembre 2013

Track@way 2.1.3 is OUT!

Hi all!

good news!

Track@Way 2.1.3 is out today, with some good new features!

- Supports datum European 1950
- Improved table scrolling
- Fix crash on unsupported map formats
- fix scale length! now it's correct.
- Moved "new waypoint" button in a better position
- You can now maximize the map in the table!

The most notable change is that you can now maximize the map in the table view! The buttons will disappear and you can enjoy a fullscreen map!

Builds for Symbian, MeeGo, Maemo and Android will be available on today.

martedì 10 settembre 2013

Track@Way 2.1.2 is out!

Hi all!

after a vacation where i did some heavy testing of Track@Way (over 35 legs, 60k points, 42mb resulting GPX track, over 300 jpg maps loaded and used...) i found and fixed two bugs, releasing 2.1.2.


- Fixed bug in new waypoint dialog not closing after tapping on delete button
- Fixed bug preventing new live leg to be started if previous live leg has been deleted

It will be release for Android, Symbian, MeeGo and Maemo today.


giovedì 25 luglio 2013

Updates from 2.0 and 3.0

Hi all!
things are moving, albeit a stop for the upcoming vacations is near now.

I will be away from 3 august to 9 September, i am going to stress Track@Way quite a lot in the far east (Kamchatka, Japan and Korea).

Anyway, there are news for you.

Track@Way 2.0: i am going to add the possibility to manage "sets" of loaded maps. In this way, you can quickly enable and disable groups of maps at the same time. This is a feature which has been requested and i will now add. This will bring Track@Way to version 2.1.0.

Track@Way 3.0: i am taking my time to carefully architect and plan the future. I have plans to support Android and Windows Phone (plus MeeGo/Maemo and Symbian). This requires a full rewrite of the code, a better core/UI separation and a lot of stuff which i don't want to dwell in here.Some good things are already coming along. PROJ has been integrated, so any kind of projections can be supported much more easily. Also the table will be drawn using Cairo, which menas better and more flexible graphics. I will integrate also GDAL, so any georeferences map format should be mostly supported.

3.0 will be a way better product, but i will not see the light before 2014 (and to egt something stable, probably one year from now). My free time is little and a carefull planning now will make things possibile.

I don't know if 3.0 will actually support Symbian. At least until i know id the new required libraries can be compiled on that platform. MeeGo and Maemo should be easy to porto to anyway, specially if a maintainer should arise.

Have fun in the meantime, and stay tuned for Track@Way 2.1 with mapsets support!

giovedì 4 luglio 2013

Track@Way 2.0.2 RELEASED NOW

Sorry for the delay!

Track@Way 2.0.2 has been released now for MeeGo, Symbian and Android.

Go get it here:! Nokia store versions will follow as usual with delays due to the Nokia approval process.

Supporters should have received the link a few moments ago. If now, please write me directly.

NEWS 3.0

Well, i have started working on Track@Way 3.0. It will take time, but in the end Track@Way will have a better user interface, native support on Android and possible future support for Windows Phone too! Stay tuned, but don't expect anything too soon.