venerdì 29 giugno 2012

Toward Track@Way 2.0 BETA/RC

Well, i have good news to report.

All the stuff is now greatly improved and works better than expected... i hit quite a few issues with Qt stack, specially in handling QNetworkAccessMonitor from a QThread, but now it's solved.

Graphs and track overview works quite good...

Configuration dialogs have been rewritten and sorted... now they looks pretty man!

So, a couple of more things and next week i will be releasing... Track@Way 2.0 BETA/RC!

After this release, the only changes will be bugfixes and improvements to the help pages (which are still vastly lacking at the moment!)...

So, stay tuned....

ps: BETA will be released for Symbian, Harmattan (N9/N950) and Maemo (N900). Hopefully also a tentative build for Android, but i am quite skeptical at the moment.

mercoledì 27 giugno 2012

Working silently...

Yes, 2.0 is progressing well.

I am going to be more ready than ever soon!

I will be releasing 2.0 BETA in less than 10 days!

Be patient... i have fixed almost all the outstanding thing, including a much better and nicer configuration...

venerdì 15 giugno 2012

Track@Way 2.0 ALPHA4 (1.9.4) released

Hi all!
i am releaseing Alpha4.

- navigation is working much better
- added battery indicator (N9/N950/N900 only)
- many fixed and improvements
- fixed "broken lines" bug
- Fixed crash on grid
- fixed hard lock on Symbian

Downoads for Symbian will be available soon on:

giovedì 14 giugno 2012


Ok, your feedbacks and suggestions are resulting in quite more changes than expected, which is good!

So, expect good news soon, Alpha4 is going to be released in a few days!

venerdì 8 giugno 2012

Track@Way Alpha3 ready!

Hi all!
i am happy to announce Track@Way Alpha3!

- added navigation! (still not much tested...)
- Fixed "tiles in gallery" issue for Symbian
- Fixed missing "use all points" option
- Improved satellites map
- more details here and there...

Downloads (ONLY FOR SYMBIAN) will be ready soon. Check

lunedì 4 giugno 2012

Ok, following alpha2 a few things emerged.

1) forgot to hide the map chunks on Symbian, so all the maps will be visible in the gallery...Will be fixed soon
2) Forgot the "use all points" option, added.
3) Adding navigation

Due to this, i will be releasing an alpha3 probably by next week... Please, still download and use Alpha2!