venerdì 20 settembre 2013

Track@way 2.1.3 is OUT!

Hi all!

good news!

Track@Way 2.1.3 is out today, with some good new features!

- Supports datum European 1950
- Improved table scrolling
- Fix crash on unsupported map formats
- fix scale length! now it's correct.
- Moved "new waypoint" button in a better position
- You can now maximize the map in the table!

The most notable change is that you can now maximize the map in the table view! The buttons will disappear and you can enjoy a fullscreen map!

Builds for Symbian, MeeGo, Maemo and Android will be available on today.

martedì 10 settembre 2013

Track@Way 2.1.2 is out!

Hi all!

after a vacation where i did some heavy testing of Track@Way (over 35 legs, 60k points, 42mb resulting GPX track, over 300 jpg maps loaded and used...) i found and fixed two bugs, releasing 2.1.2.


- Fixed bug in new waypoint dialog not closing after tapping on delete button
- Fixed bug preventing new live leg to be started if previous live leg has been deleted

It will be release for Android, Symbian, MeeGo and Maemo today.
