martedì 29 novembre 2011

Way ahead... news, Android and more.

While i am still waiting for Necessitas to get Beta (after which you will see an official Track@Way on Android Market) i am studing a few things.

One is direct support for OpenStreetMap / OpenCycleMap using libosmscout, i have just started looking into it right now. This would allow download of XML data and rendering on the device. While it will use up some CPU, it should greatly reduce network usage, which is cool specially while roaming...

also, i have come across (again) with GDAL which promises bo be able to remap raster images between projections... If any body is interested?

lunedì 28 novembre 2011

Track@Way 1.2.3 - RELEASED

Today i am releasing Track@Way 1.2.3.
This release includes some very important bugfixes:
- improved map calibration, now more accurate than before
- resolved all crashes on Symbian^3, enjoy!

You are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
Please NOTE this release will modify your maps configuration so that it will NOT be compatible anymore with earlier versions. Please backup your e:\FreeTrack\maps_storage\maps.cfg if you want to roll back later.

venerdì 25 novembre 2011

So, after being finally so pissed off with Symbian^3 issues regarding to the use of QPixmap i decided that the fastest way to proceed is to switch to the raster engine.
Honestly, it works good on S60v5, where is the only one available, and i only do 2d graphics anyway. So, why not? I tried it and, magically, all the graphical issues, glitches and even crashes are fixed. I was able to go back using QPixmaps everywhere for the map chunks and blcks...

Speed seems to be as good, at least not worse, so i am doing some more testing then switching back to raster for good!

giovedì 24 novembre 2011

Some more fixes...

Again, the map calibration is trouble. Again, due to the forced mapping of qreal to floats and not doubles.
This time i decided to compeltely rewrite the management of calibration points and premultiply them to avoid precision issues. This is transparent to the end-user.

Stay tuned for a new 1.2.3 soon...

venerdì 18 novembre 2011

Track@Way 1.2.2 released

You can find it here:

- map calibration fix
- startup speedup
- updated API

note: this makes the stored maps not compatible with previous versions, please DO NOT rollback after this uograde.

giovedì 17 novembre 2011 API update...

The upcoming Track@Way 1.2.2 will include the API upgrade from 12 november 2011.

Also, one more fix for the map claibration and a huge speedup in startup time when you have a lot of maps. This will make the maps configuration not backward compatible, so you will not be able to switch back anymore to a previous release.

martedì 15 novembre 2011

Track@Way 1.2.1 RELEASED

TRack@Way 1.2.1 has been released today at 9:30AM (CET).
Changelog is the same posted yesterday!

Build for Symbian and Nokia N9 will be available shortly.

Almost ready for 1.2.1....

Finally, i got around fixing that annoying black map bug.
I am rolling out 1.2.1 within tomorrow.

Changelog will be:
- Fixed the black map (Ozi explorer / gmapmaker calibrated maps)
- Fixed the autosave feature: now it should work without annoying messages
- Fixed the navigation aids on the big compass
- Added an option to disable the grid on the tracking table
- Improved map speed on Symbian^3 devices

lunedì 14 novembre 2011

Bug detected...

Thanks to a couple of users i got aware of a nasty bug in the calibration code. It seems that after Track@Way 1.1.2 importing QMapMaker maps fails.

This is related, again, to the fucked up way Qt for Symbian uses qreal == float. This produced invalid matrixes, so i decided to fix it once for all. I have copied the Qt code for QTransforn and adapted it to use only DOUBLES.

Lets see how testing goes...

mercoledì 9 novembre 2011

After the release of Track@Way 1.2.0 (almost there also on OVI store folks!) i am taking some time to let the new feature requests come in and eventually also new bugs.

I am thinking on how to go ahead from here, what to add first and so on... Stay tuned...

giovedì 3 novembre 2011

Track@Way 1.2.0

Today i am releasing Track@Way 1.2.0. It will be ready in a short while.

- Support for compass calibration
- Support for pinch-zoom in Tracking Table
- Support for pinch-zoom in map manual calibration
- Added option to hide/show the zoom buttons
- Fixed random black line on maps
- Fixed manual map calibration crash on Symbian^3
- Added navigation aids also on big compass
- Fixed navigation aids pointer (sometimes it was 90° off)
- Added alert sound when reaching a destination point
- Added option to enable or disable sound
- Added waypoints in tracks manager
- You can center a waypoint from the tracks manager
- You can navigate to a waypoint from the tracks manager
- Fixed stats not updating when chaning from leg to entire track

As usual, refer to for the downloads.