martedì 19 aprile 2011

I am back in support mode...

So FreeTrack 1.3.30 might as well be released by this week (if tests are ok, it will be released on the 21/04/2011), i hope!

What is puzzling me is the "open load map/track" on screen rotate. Right now i cannot pinpoint the source for that... It seems that some extra slots gets called on screen rotation, but why? Some on-device test is mandatory here...

Got it!
Under some circumstances i did not "delete" the loadmap/loadtrack dialog box, which lingered in the back of the application... popping up when the screen is rotated! Now its fixed.

What more... i have also fixed the "aligned points" bug when using calibrated maps having all the three points on a line...

This is going to be quite some new release!!!

As an update... i was quite pissed off by having ALL the map cache showing up on my image gallery... so 1.3.30 will rename all "jpg" chunks to "ftc", so they are not picked up by the image gallery. Dont worry, you "old" cache is still good... If you rescan it, it will be "renamed" to the new cache, otherwise everything will just work...

lunedì 18 aprile 2011


Not much work today... except that i hope i was able to greatly improve speed on Symbian^3 devices...

Stay tuned for tomorrow...

venerdì 15 aprile 2011


Progress is fun...
Compass seems to be working properly (on phones which HAVE a compass)...
and the new satellite map&list is quite cool!

I am improving the controls, which is needed, specially to properly support all kinds of themes.

Stay tuned!!!

giovedì 14 aprile 2011

Ok, finally the new 1.3.28 has been published, both supporter and free. It was about time! What was slowing it down was the C7 Astround, which apparently DOES NOT SUPPORT Qt CONTENT.

And how on earth am i supposed to know since its a C7 device?

Well, anyway...

On the development side i added support for Compass... and finaly created the hg repository for TrackAway!

Check it out at: i will commit before evening...

mercoledì 13 aprile 2011

Status update...

I wanted to give you some updates.

1- OVI Store: magically somehow the Supporter China edition has been published. Its a mistery, since i just resubmitted the exact same SIS that failed. Anyway. All the others are still waiting QA on the new C7 Astound device.

2- Localizations: Euskaria has been updated, so Simplified Chinese. So i will soon package a new chinese version to be published as soon as the "official" free version is published too.

3- Development: i am testing the new configuration setup, which is quite neat: more clear and better sorted. Next will be testing the "satellites" stuff and create a nice sat display widget...

Stay tuned!

lunedì 11 aprile 2011

As usual, some misterious and strange happened with OVI store.

The new Supporter Lite edition has failed because "the app links to external stores and this is forbidden by the agreement". Instead, Supporter and free versions are passing with no remarks. Note that as usual those are all the SAME build.

Of course FreeTrack does not have ANY reference to any "store" whatsoever, just a link to

Why is OVI always so erratic?

Anyway, you shuold be quite exited because development is proceeding fast (albeit a LOT of work will be required for Track@Way 1.0)... i am adding calculations for DOP to improve precision of points and also a dedicated saltellite info page which will show you all the satellites currently in use! I, at least, am excited...

domenica 10 aprile 2011

Something very bad...

Unfortunately something very bad happened. The latest OVI store published FreeTrack is seriously broken and will NOT start on most phones. I am pushing quickly a fixed 1.3.28 but given the slugginesh of OVI store process do not expect an update any time soon.

I am really sorry. Meanwhile you can download the latest 1.3.28 from and enjoy a couple of serious bug fixes!

venerdì 8 aprile 2011

Development progress...

The idea of chaning TrackPoint to GPS_point, which will be derived from QGeoCoordinate AND discard all the drawing code its proving to be good. Also this is a good apportunity to stop using QPointF to store lat/lon, due to the annoying limit of using single precision on ARM which leads to serious precision limits.

So far so good... stay tuned!

RIght now i am investigating if using GPSBabel for GPX read/write is a good idea...

Serious bug in 1.3.25 (OVI store)

A serious bug has been discovered in release 1.3.25 from OVI store which, on some phones, make the app crash almost on startup.
A new 1.3.27 is in the way, meanwhile please download 1.3.26b from!

giovedì 7 aprile 2011

Being a bit fed up with working with other stuff, i am back coding for Track@Way release 1.0 (which was previously called FreeTrack release 2.0)....

Right now i started working on replacing the TrackPoint classes with a GPS_point class which is DERIVED from QGeoCoordinate. The idea is to go a bit more Qt-like (am i crazy?) and create my own derived QPainter and put all the real drawing code in there.

So the TrackPoint is now simply a GPS_point...

mercoledì 6 aprile 2011

New release and many news...

Hi all!

Today i have RELEASED FreeTrack 1.3.26!

The most important news is support for time and distance based tracking methods! Now you can track points based on elapsed time or walked distance.... Enjoy!

Meanwhile, i have been moving all pointers from OVI store and from the Google Code web site to the new web sites:

There is also some news from the Android port... It has been started! Right now, its 100% experimental and also, its stopped. Yes, i need to wait for BogDan Vatra to release the next SDK for Necessitas before the QtMobility libraries will be portable to real devices. So for now, i can tell you that IT COMPILES out of the box (amazing job BogDan and friends!) but i am still unable to deploy it.

Stay tuned...

lunedì 4 aprile 2011

So far... its good!

FreeTrack is approaching 11.000 downloads!

It might not be much compared to Android numbers, but there are many facts that make me think its a LOT under Nokia OVI Store.

For example, this week FreeTrack is n.6 best seller (most downloads) app! (at least for Nokia 5800, probably for all S60/Symbian^3?) in the Sports category!

Anyway, i will soon publish another 1.3 release featuring:
- updated translations
- added a small circle to mark the current position more clearly
- some minor twichtes.

I am trying to build the android development environment, and so far i am installing qt-mobility... lets see...

Anyway do not despair: soon the next development cycle will begin!