martedì 25 ottobre 2011

Getting ready for 1.2.0

Ok guys, it will be called 1.2.0 and will have a ton of new features:

- Support for compass calibration
- Support for pinch-zoom in Tracking Table
- Support for pinch-zoom in map manual calibration
- Added option to hide/show the zoom buttons
- Fixed random black line on maps
- Fixed manual map calibration crash on Symbian^3
- Added navigation aids also on big compass
- Fixed navigation aids pointer (sometimes it was 90° off)
- Added alert sound when reaching a destination point
- Added option to enable or disable sound
- Added waypoints in tracks manager
- You can center a waypoint from the tracks manager
- You can navigate to a waypoint from the tracks manager

and anything else coming up... It should be released sometime at the beginning of november. As usual, supporters will reveive a stable preview sooner.

If you purchased the supporter edition trough OVI please send me a private email to be added to the list.
I am thinking it will be called 1.2.0.

Anyway, i added the navigation aids also on the big compass in the GPS dialog....

giovedì 20 ottobre 2011

Working for 1.1.3 or 1.2.0?

While OVI store is constantly offline or not working (thanks Nokia, as usual, i am wandering why i am here and not on Android Market...)...

I am working on 1.1.3 with the updated translations and some better working "pinch zoom" for your enabled devices. Stay tuned...

Meanwhile, i have already added compass calibration support....

lunedì 17 ottobre 2011

OVI Store delays...

Due to some misterious delays in OVI store 1.1.2 will NOT be published on OVI store for many days to come. Unfortunately my certificate has expired and a new one has not been issued YET.

So, thanks Nokia...

meanwhile you can get it from the website (supporters please contact me directly)

mercoledì 12 ottobre 2011

Track@Way 1.1.2 official release!

I am happy to announce to you all the immediate availability of Track@Way 1.1.2
- added pinch zoom
- added "center map" button to center the Tracking Table on a map
- Fixed the "lat/lon" is not readable under some themes
- Fixed the GPS start button not readable with some themes
- Fixed moving on the Manual Calibration dialog...
- Added steepness graph and data in track statistics
- Added yellow dotted line to connect the tracking table to the last livepoint
- Improved pixmap management. While this could cause a slight slowdown in map display for Smbian^3 devices, it should also avoid the usual random crashes.
- Improved map calibration. Now for your maps with more than three points, calibrations should be more precise!
Android, Maemo and MeeGo releases (beta for Android) will be released later on this week.

Symbian installation instructions: Symbian install (OVI releases will follow in a few days as usual)
Android installation instructions: How to install on Android
Maemo/Meeo installation instructions: How to install on Maemo and MeeGo (Harmattan)

venerdì 7 ottobre 2011

Release 1.1.2 is ready for testing...

I am happy to announce a quite significant speed improvement in map drawing...

The release 1.1.2 is now ready for testing: i will send it to anbody willing to test it out for a few days...

I have two more great improvements for 1.1.2:

1. Improved pixmap management. While this could cause a slight slowdown in map display for Smbian^3 devices, it should also avoid the usual random crashes.
2. Improved map calibration. Now for your maps with more than three points, calibrations should be more precise!

giovedì 6 ottobre 2011

New features

So, this is the list of things that will be shipped with 1.1.2 as soon as i can test the pinch zoom:

Things which are getting updated for 1.1.2:
- added pinch zoom
- added "center map" button to center the Tracking Table on a map
- Fixed the "lat/lon" is not readable under some themes
- Fixed the GPS start button not readable with some themes
- Fixed moving on the Manual Calibration dialog...
- Added steepness graph and data in track statistics
- Added yellow dotted line to connect the tracking table to the last livepoint

Expect the release before 15 october...

Something is boiling under the hood...

I am working on adding multitouch pinch zoom support for you folks who have it on your phones...

I am also well aware of the crash bug in Symbian^3 but unfortunately i am STILL awaiting for the delivery of my new S^3 device, so please be patient for a few more days... Next week, i hope, i will fix it.

Meanwhile, i will try to work on some other enhancement requests ... so stay tuned!