lunedì 13 dicembre 2010

OVI Store: again you...

Hi guys!
Well, i have more news on OVI. Yes, FreeTrack got rejected once more, this time was kind of expected due to this email Nokia sent to us OVI publishers on 6th December:

"Dear Publisher,

This email contains important information about an upcoming Ovi Publish and Ovi Store maintenance break, new features, and technical bulletin.

New Metadata Introduction in Next Release of Ovi Publish May Create “Limbo Effect”
If your content is submitted to QA prior to this release, but not evaluated prior to tomorrow's release, the content item will fail due to missing metadata.

NOTE: Content already published to Ovi Store will not be affected by this release.

We apologize for this inconvenience. Please resubmit the content with the new Categorization Tag metadata after the maintenance break."
 So it did not come as a big surprise when today i found FreeTrack rejected once more with the following notice:
"Revision 83 of this content item can NOT be submitted to QA as some metadata requirements have not been met (see Content Item tab below).
Please provide the missing data."
I just want to add a couple of considerations.
The first one is that you do not undergo such a stupid thing as doing a major change to your store (forcing all pending app to fail approval) just two weeks before Christmas, thats suicidal, and plain stupid, even I can see that.
The second is related to the new meta-tag that made my app fail. It is categorized under "sports", so the new metadata is called "Categorization Tags" and can have the following values:

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