giovedì 22 settembre 2011

Track@Way 1.1.0 is almost ready...

Ok guys... here are all the news about Track@Way 1.1.0 which will be released tomorrow (if no bugs are discovered today):

- Support for folder/multiple uploads
- Support for OZI Explorer ozfx3 and ozf2 raster map formats
- Improved zoom levels on the Tracking Table (16 levels, more detail and also more zoom-out)
- Minimum DOP set to 200 to avoid issues for some GPS devices
- Fixed the map_storage issue. Now you can put your maps there (even if its NOT recomended, its for caching only) safely.
- Removed annoying "save LiveTrack" dialog on livetrack start

Translations will need to be improved and corrected, as well as help, this will come in later releases.
I will also release an improved build for Android, still beta, due to Necessitas being still Alpha.

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