Yesterday i fixed the most serious bug in 1.3.0 BETA1, the autosave not working. I improved a bit how it works, now it will ask, on exit, to save the live track only if the autosave option is not selected.
I fixed some more things, including the speed of drawing thousands of points and the annoying "select button not enabled" in the save track file dialog.
I think i will release a BETA2 later on today.
Stay tuned...
Update: i have improved a lot the drawing speed of huge tracks! Now i store a separate list of QVector<QLineF> and draw it in one go with QPainter::drawLines()... This is MUCH faster than before using a for to paint a serie of drawLine( point, point)...
Update: FreeTrack 1.3.0 BETA 2 is out! Go fetch it from the google code page!
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