I spent some time yesterday testing the latets code and i am quite happy with it.
So, besides minimal fixing and improvements (like bigger icon for the waypoints...) all i will now do is implement a new help interface. I want to develop a custom widget to substitute the incredibly AWFUL tab widget (QTabWidget) which really really sucks on Symbian (slow, difficult to use, unfit for the screen interface...)...
Update: i wrote my first custom widget! (not true really, but for this scope yes)! Its calle FTPushButton and (as now) just replaces a QPushButton displaying a QIcon. It works great, its very lightweight too! I am replacing it in FreeTrack to let you test in in Beta 7 which, i hope, i will be releasing shortly, for your enjoyment over the weekend!
Update: FreeTrack 1.3.0 BETA 7 has been just released! Go grab it and test over the weekend! Your feedback is as always very much appreciated.
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